Saturday, February 4, 2012

Today's Journey Spiritual

Been reading the work of Allen and Swick for a couple of days now. Chapter 1 refreshed my memory of The Connecting Church by Randy Frazee. I reviewed paragraph 1 at ch. 6. I'm convinced that the challenge or  measure of a successful spiritual journey depends on how well we "mind the gap."The Spiritual gap being the chasm between where we are right now in our Spiritual journey and where we need to be as we seek to become more like Christ.(Frazee at pp.87)
Allen and Swicks' allusion to a modern day Spiritual desperation sheds light on the need a Christian has, to be conformed to the image of Christ in word and deed. If a Spiritual Tsunami has hit, many more may be saved as a result of the afformentioned conduct, not popular culturalism(porous boundaries)which allow mere show over the needed substance.



Fish said...

Ahh, I see more clearly what you were talking about at church! Filling the spiritual gap. Can't wait to catch up and have this conversation with you!

John said...

Okay, I've been away for a few days, but I'm back. Lance, I am wondering about how well equipped we would be do handle this thirst for spirituality in the world around us. I sometimes hear people speak of the desire for "trascendence." People seem to intuitively know there is something bigger than themselves, so they are desperately seeking . . . something.

If the Spirit is nothing more than words on a page, it is no wonder people look elsewhere. The Bible clearly has demonstrated that the Spirit is not imprisoned in a book. He is part of the Godhead and is eternal. The Spirit has empowered God's people from the very beginning in many different ways.

If we can begin to understand and truly allow the Spirit to be who he was meant to be in our lives, it should be evident to all that God is with us. Those TRULY seeking transcendence will find it in God, who lives in us and among us. God is not a book, he is the living God. The book does not give us God, but the living God gives us the living word. Understanding this will lift us up from what the they have called, "dirt philosophy" and make us equal to whatever challenges come our way.